Porn Addiction Therapy Near Pittsburgh, PA


Compulsive and self-harming behavior, such as porn addiction, can trigger negative feelings and interfere with meaningful relationships. At Center For Integrative Change, our therapists understand the difficulty of talking with a stranger and seeking help to recover. We specialize in porn addiction therapy near Pittsburgh, PA, to help you identify harmful behaviors and begin healing.

Overcome Compulsive Behaviors With Porn Addiction Therapy

At its core, porn addiction is a compulsive, self-harming behavior that can worsen if left untreated. For many, it's a way to escape a more profound problem by seeking to "get away and feel better" from stressful or challenging circumstances. With continued use, it becomes a severe addiction, often resulting in adverse symptoms:

Low libido

  • Compulsive masturbation

  • Inability to orgasm during partner sex

  • Depression

  • Loneliness

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Purposeful isolation from family and friends

  • Irritability or anger

You are not alone if this sounds like you or someone you know. Therapy provides hope with proven tools and resources to help you overcome porn addiction and restore confidence to rebuild damaged relationships. We can help you identify the root cause of your struggles and reduce the internal chaos as you reconnect with your true self.

We Help People Near Pittsburgh, PA

Our team of therapists is happy to provide services to people near Pittsburgh, PA. It is the county seat of Alleghany County and has over 302,000 residents. The city has a rich history in the American Civil War and is home to several prominent art museums, including the Andy Warhol Museum.

Commonly Asked Questions About Porn Addiction Therapy

If you have questions about porn addiction therapy, we are happy to answer them. These are a few questions we frequently receive from clients.

How Do I Know If I Need Porn Addiction Therapy?

Pornography addiction is more common than most people realize. Men and women can struggle with this type of addiction, whether they are in a committed relationship or not. Research shows approximately 3% to 6% of users become quickly addicted, showing negative symptoms right away. As addiction continues, romantic relationships can suffer, leading to complex connections and sometimes divorce.

Most people struggle with addiction to deal with an underlying issue related to trauma, stress, or overwhelm. Some common signs of porn addiction include neglecting responsibilities to watch porn, spending extra money on the addiction, and feeling defensive when confronted about it. Most people suffer from mental health concerns, including anger, depression, and loneliness.

What Will Happen During My First Session?

Most therapy sessions are approximately 45 minutes long, depending on your unique mental health needs. The first session may take longer as you and your therapists learn about one another and discuss your counseling goals. Family history, health concerns, paperwork, payment, and scheduling will also occur during the first session.

Contact Center For Integrative Change Today

If you're ready to break free from the harmful cycle of addiction and restore balance in your life, contact us today to get started. Our compassionate team of therapists near Pittsburgh, PA, is ready to provide a compassionate and safe atmosphere to help you begin healing for a better life.